Chemical element with the symbol Yb;ytterbium Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1832;jackson Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1819;monroe Chemical element with atomic number 69;thulium Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 2008;bush Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 2001;bush;clinton Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1936;roosevelt Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1978;carter Chemical element with atomic number (((16/16)+(182/7))+((51-9)-7));samarium First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1859;james First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1974;gerald;richard Pokemon which evolves from Kabuto;kabutops Pokemon with number #((17+(144/36))*((3-2)+1));golbat Pokemon with number #26;raichu First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1979;jimmy Pokemon with number #(((3+9)*(85+36))/((67-26)-(2+27)));starmie Chemical element with the symbol Re;rhenium Pokemon with number #105;marowak Chemical element with atomic number 89;actinium Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1941;roosevelt Chemical element with atomic number (((56-6)+(124-20))-((108-11)-(1127/23)));seaborgium Pokemon with number #(((4002-42)/(48-26))/((72/36)*3));nidorina First name of the previous President of the United States before Chester A. Arthur;james Pokemon which evolves into Wartortle;squirtle First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1867;andrew First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1967;lyndon Pokemon with number #54;psyduck Chemical element with atomic number (((2106/39)-(75-39))*((96-27)/(161/7)));xenon Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1882;arthur Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1880;hayes First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 2011;barack Chemical element with atomic number ((23+(30-10))+((14+45)-(286/26)));protactinium Chemical element with atomic number (((75*7)/3)/7);manganese Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1814;madison Pokemon which evolves into Charmeleon;charmander First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1971;richard First name of the previous President of the United States before Bill Clinton;george Pokemon with number #148;dragonair Pokemon with number #64;kadabra Chemical element with atomic number (((561/33)+(113-50))-((10+2)+(140/14)));cerium Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1973;nixon Chemical element with atomic number 28;nickel Pokemon which evolves into Parasect;paras Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1962;kennedy Chemical element with atomic number (((922-10)/(646/17))+((77-42)-(2+26)));gallium Pokemon with number #(((34-1)+(59-32))-37);ekans Pokemon which evolves into Pidgeotto;pidgey Chemical element with atomic number 75;rhenium Pokemon with number #(7-((928/16)/29));charmeleon Pokemon which evolves from Seel;dewgong Chemical element with atomic number 65;terbium Pokemon which evolves into Graveler;geodude Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1998;clinton Pokemon with number #(((91676/13)/(9+32))-((2+2)+(1012/23)));jynx Pokemon which evolves into Dugtrio;diglett Chemical element with atomic number 23;vanadium Pokemon which evolves into Nidoqueen;nidorina First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1946;harry Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1946;truman Last name of the next President of the United States after James Monroe;adams Chemical element with atomic number (89+((79-13)-(26+21)));hassium Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1870;grant Pokemon which evolves into Raichu;pikachu Pokemon with number #86;seel First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1810;james Last name of the next President of the United States after George Washington;adams Pokemon which evolves from Caterpie;metapod Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1918;wilson Chemical element with the symbol Ge;germanium Chemical element with atomic number 79;gold Chemical element with atomic number 3;lithium First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1924;calvin Pokemon which evolves from Spearow;fearow First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1943;franklin Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1912;taft Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1877;hayes;grant Chemical element with the symbol Ba;barium Pokemon with number #146;moltres Chemical element with the symbol Bk;berkelium Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1911;taft Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1939;roosevelt Last name of the next President of the United States after Andrew Jackson;buren Pokemon with number #((1+(28/28))+((76/38)*(2*9)));ninetales Pokemon which evolves from Dratini;dragonair First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1832;andrew Pokemon with number #20;raticate Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1895;cleveland Chemical element with atomic number (((6+1)*(49-44))+((60/30)*(1+3)));technetium Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1795;washington Pokemon with number #(((11832/8)+(11*78))/((865-29)/(83-39)));scyther Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1798;adams Chemical element with the symbol Nb;niobium Pokemon with number #90;shellder First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1852;millard First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1886;grover Pokemon with number #(((30870/30)/(50-49))/7);dratini Chemical element with atomic number 71;lutetium Chemical element with atomic number 90;thorium Pokemon which evolves from Machoke;machamp First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 2003;george Pokemon with number #124;jynx First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1805;thomas Chemical element with atomic number 91;protactinium Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1894;cleveland Pokemon with number #(((33/33)+(4*11))-((323-15)/(6+5)));pidgeotto Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1846;polk Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1896;cleveland First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 2006;george Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 2010;obama Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 2012;obama Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1986;reagan Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1828;adams Chemical element with atomic number (((3*23)-47)+(5-(29-26)));chromium Chemical element with the symbol Be;beryllium Color with RGB values [255,255,0];yellow Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1967;johnson Pokemon which evolves into Haunter;gastly Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1917;wilson Pokemon with number #137;porygon Chemical element with atomic number 47;silver Pokemon with number #(((110+39)-(378/27))-((39-11)+(5+2)));voltorb Chemical element with atomic number 7;nitrogen Chemical element with atomic number (((25610-26)/(7+1))/((68-13)-(392/28)));platinum Pokemon with number #(11*13);snorlax Pokemon with number #(((3294-30)/(204/6))+((21+23)-(3+10)));pinsir Pokemon with number #(((4426800/40)/(340/10))/31);marowak Color with RGB values [0,128,0];green Pokemon with number #12;butterfree Pokemon which evolves into Muk;grimer Pokemon which evolves into Exeggutor;exeggcute Pokemon with number #68;machamp First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1918;woodrow Pokemon with number #4;charmander Chemical element with the symbol B;boron Pokemon which evolves from Eevee;vaporeon;jolteon;flareon Pokemon which evolves from Mankey;primeape Chemical element with atomic number 36;krypton Pokemon with number #23;ekans Pokemon with number #38;ninetales Chemical element with the symbol P;phosphorus Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 2004;bush Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1960;eisenhower Pokemon which evolves into Kingler;krabby Pokemon which evolves from Kadabra;alakazam First name of the previous President of the United States before Zachary Taylor;james Pokemon which evolves from Wartortle;blastoise First name of the previous President of the United States before William Howard Taft;theodore Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1968;johnson Color with RGB values [128,128,0];olive Chemical element with the symbol Mt;meitnerium Chemical element with atomic number (((128-17)-(11+20))+((594-5)/(67-36)));einsteinium Chemical element with the symbol Kr;krypton Color with RGB values [192,192,192];silver Pokemon with number #(((470-2)/(70-34))+((2*26)-(35-22)));meowth Pokemon with number #118;goldeen Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1938;roosevelt Pokemon which evolves from Slowpoke;slowbro Pokemon which evolves into Starmie;staryu First name of the previous President of the United States before Theodore Roosevelt;william Pokemon with number #37;vulpix Pokemon with number #(((2322-42)/(10*2))+((60-22)-(533/41)));omastar Pokemon with number #(((37+13)-(925/25))*((9*3)-(4+20)));jigglypuff Pokemon with number #(((840/42)+(38-3))+((220/10)-(64-45)));growlithe First name of the previous President of the United States before Abraham Lincoln;james First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1835;andrew Chemical element with the symbol Tc;technetium Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1883;arthur Pokemon with number #(((3564/27)-(1222/26))+((35-30)*(61-48)));mewtwo First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1818;james Chemical element with atomic number 107;bohrium Pokemon with number #5;charmeleon First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1916;woodrow Chemical element with the symbol Mn;manganese Chemical element with atomic number (((860+256)/(40-36))/((45-5)-(270/30)));fluorine Pokemon with number #(((1855-34)+3581)/((6*259)/(1512/36)));moltres First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1870;ulysses Chemical element with atomic number 5;boron First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1928;calvin Chemical element with the symbol O;oxygen Last name of the next President of the United States after Chester A. Arthur;cleveland Pokemon with number #(((53*3)-(96/3))-((8832/8)/(1472/32)));exeggutor First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1897;william;grover Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1954;eisenhower Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1806;jefferson First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1981;ronald;jimmy First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1888;grover Pokemon which evolves into Vileplume;gloom Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1801;jefferson;adams Last name of the next President of the United States after Jimmy Carter;reagan Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1872;grant First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1803;thomas Pokemon which evolves from Rhyhorn;rhydon Pokemon which evolves into Arbok;ekans Chemical element with atomic number 48;cadmium Chemical element with atomic number 64;gadolinium Chemical element with atomic number 83;bismuth First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1824;james Pokemon with number #(((2/1)*(16*4))-((439-16)/(8+1)));magnemite First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1910;william Pokemon which evolves from Nidorina;nidoqueen First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1947;harry First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1842;john Chemical element with the symbol Pd;palladium Chemical element with atomic number (((90/18)+(6+24))-((22+11)-(20-8)));silicon First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1834;andrew Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1997;clinton Chemical element with the symbol Fm;fermium First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1837;andrew;martin Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1818;monroe First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1868;andrew Chemical element with the symbol La;lanthanum TopCoder handle of Michal Forisek;misof Chemical element with atomic number (((2*12)-(51-29))*((9+18)-(59-49)));selenium Chemical element with atomic number (((79+7)/(26+17))*((26136/33)/(6+12)));radium First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1794;george Pokemon which evolves from Voltorb;electrode First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1983;ronald Pokemon with number #115;kangaskhan Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1804;jefferson Pokemon which evolves into Raticate;rattata Last name of the next President of the United States after Harry S. Truman;eisenhower Pokemon with number #(((590*5)/(5+20))+((10/2)+(9+4)));flareon Chemical element with the symbol Pb;lead Pokemon with number #(((50-7)-(33-7))+(11*11));omanyte Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1971;nixon Chemical element with the symbol Po;polonium Pokemon with number #(((2*69)-(24+16))-((880/22)-(2*19)));drowzee Chemical element with atomic number (((898-5)+(13*11))/(7*(2*2)));rubidium Chemical element with atomic number 9;fluorine Chemical element with atomic number (((504/36)+(1323/49))+((175/35)+(8+7)));promethium Pokemon which evolves into Clefable;clefairy Chemical element with atomic number 109;meitnerium Chemical element with atomic number (((166-45)-(15+11))-((36/36)+1));neptunium First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1822;james Chemical element with atomic number (((4+29)/(528/48))*((107-46)-(11*3)));polonium Pokemon with number #(((300+827)/(38+11))+((54-46)-(91/13)));arbok Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1879;hayes Pokemon which evolves into Golbat;zubat Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1943;roosevelt Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1910;taft Pokemon which evolves from Cubone;marowak Pokemon with number #(((6*2)*(51-33))/((15+10)-(34-12)));tentacool Pokemon which evolves into Fearow;spearow Pokemon which evolves from Haunter;gengar Chemical element with the symbol Hg;mercury Chemical element with atomic number ((7+(46-39))+((3*12)-(561/17)));chlorine Pokemon which evolves into Weepinbell;bellsprout Chemical element with atomic number 92;uranium Pokemon which evolves into Poliwrath;poliwhirl Color with RGB values [128,128,128];gray Pokemon with number #(((59-19)-1)-((210*5)/(1400/40)));blastoise Pokemon with number #13;weedle Chemical element with atomic number (((3+1)+2)+((50-38)+(75/15)));vanadium Chemical element with the symbol Bi;bismuth Chemical element with atomic number 55;cesium Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1802;jefferson Pokemon which evolves from Pidgey;pidgeotto First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 2010;barack First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1841;william;john;martin First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1890;benjamin Chemical element with atomic number 99;einsteinium Pokemon which evolves from Staryu;starmie Pokemon with number #(((112-36)-(13*3))+((1+41)+(7+3)));muk Chemical element with atomic number 46;palladium Chemical element with atomic number ((2*(87-27))-((39-20)+(7+24)));ytterbium First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1982;ronald Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1996;clinton Chemical element with atomic number 38;strontium Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1797;washington;adams Chemical element with atomic number ((53-(58-13))*2);sulfur Chemical element with atomic number 15;phosphorus Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1999;clinton Pokemon with number #(((2+17)+(2+9))-((4+19)-(1+2)));caterpie First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1839;martin First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 2007;george Last name of the next President of the United States after Bill Clinton;bush Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 2007;bush First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1878;rutherford Pokemon with number #(((72-6)/(8+25))+((1660+176)/(162/9)));cubone Pokemon which evolves into Golduck;psyduck First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1921;woodrow;warren Pokemon with number #(23+2);pikachu Pokemon which evolves into Omastar;omanyte Last name of the next President of the United States after Andrew Johnson;grant Chemical element with atomic number 14;silicon First name of the previous President of the United States before Barack Obama;george Pokemon with number #((3+(111/37))+((3+1)*(10+1)));diglett First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1995;bill Pokemon with number #126;magmar Chemical element with the symbol Ho;holmium Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1898;mckinley First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1889;benjamin;grover Pokemon with number #(((40+30)/(5*7))*((22+30)-(400/8)));charmander Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1875;grant Pokemon which evolves into Dewgong;seel First name of the previous President of the United States before James A. Garfield;rutherford Chemical element with atomic number (((34-4)-(45-17))*((588-13)/(9+16)));palladium First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1861;james;abraham Pokemon with number #145;zapdos Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1900;mckinley Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1864;lincoln Pokemon with number #53;persian Pokemon which evolves from Doduo;dodrio Chemical element with atomic number 32;germanium Chemical element with the symbol Ni;nickel First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1930;herbert Pokemon which evolves from Jigglypuff;wigglytuff Pokemon with number #(((67998+18252)/(184/4))/((56+7)-(79-41)));graveler First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1790;george Pokemon with number #(((56350/50)/(437/19))-((2+6)+(3*9)));kakuna Pokemon with number #104;cubone Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1855;pierce Chemical element with atomic number 1;hydrogen Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1825;adams;monroe Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1983;reagan Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1933;hoover;roosevelt Pokemon with number #143;snorlax Chemical element with atomic number (17*((25+2)-(8*3)));antimony Pokemon which evolves from Weepinbell;victreebel Pokemon with number #(((7711-43)/(120/10))/((2*2)+(3+2)));victreebel Pokemon which evolves into Butterfree;metapod Pokemon with number #(((2*13)+(44-39))*3);haunter First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1923;calvin;warren First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1920;woodrow Chemical element with atomic number 70;ytterbium First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1909;theodore;william First name of the previous President of the United States before Richard Nixon;lyndon Chemical element with the symbol Co;cobalt First name of the previous President of the United States before George W. Bush;bill Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1925;coolidge Pokemon with number #(((35/1)+(42-41))+((126-11)/(253/11)));zubat Chemical element with the symbol Hs;hassium Last name of the next President of the United States after Benjamin Harrison;cleveland Pokemon which evolves from Poliwhirl;poliwrath Pokemon with number #(((31+214)/(2401/49))*((340/20)-(96/32)));weepinbell Chemical element with atomic number (((123-7)/(22+7))*(1+1));oxygen Chemical element with the symbol Te;tellurium Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1866;johnson Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1940;roosevelt Pokemon which evolves from Growlithe;arcanine First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 2005;george Chemical element with the symbol Pr;praseodymium Pokemon with number #132;ditto First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1962;john First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1817;james Chemical element with the symbol Ta;tantalum Pokemon which evolves from Graveler;golem Pokemon with number #76;golem Pokemon with number #(((22-19)*(2+1))+((53-5)/(8+16)));metapod First name of the previous President of the United States before Calvin Coolidge;warren Pokemon with number #16;pidgey First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1846;james Pokemon with number #(((7*7)-(2*16))*((891/33)-(576/24)));dugtrio Chemical element with the symbol Sn;tin Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1916;wilson Pokemon with number #(((165-9)-(25+20))-((32-26)*(2+5)));bellsprout Pokemon with number #(5*((276/23)*(1+1)));staryu Pokemon with number #(((3143+118)-(61-32))/((1327-15)/41));electrode Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1824;monroe Pokemon which evolves into Kakuna;weedle Chemical element with atomic number (((421-10)+(215*2))/29);copper Chemical element with the symbol Lu;lutetium Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1867;johnson First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1806;thomas Chemical element with atomic number 67;holmium Chemical element with the symbol Ru;ruthenium Chemical element with the symbol Cl;chlorine Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1878;hayes Pokemon which evolves into Nidoking;nidorino Last name of the next President of the United States after Calvin Coolidge;hoover First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1809;james;thomas Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1893;harrison;cleveland First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1940;franklin Pokemon with number #17;pidgeotto First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1848;james First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1956;dwight Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1891;harrison Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1923;coolidge;harding First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1856;franklin Pokemon with number #(((14*195)/(13*3))+((486*2)/(23+13)));hypno Color with RGB values #808000;olive Pokemon which evolves into Wigglytuff;jigglypuff Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1989;bush;reagan Pokemon with number #59;arcanine Chemical element with the symbol As;arsenic Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1928;coolidge First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1977;gerald;jimmy First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1969;richard;lyndon First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 2001;bill;george Pokemon with number #((3*3)+((6*10)/(2*3)));rattata Chemical element with the symbol Tb;terbium Chemical element with atomic number 41;niobium Chemical element with atomic number 72;hafnium Pokemon which evolves into Machoke;machop Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1919;wilson Pokemon with number #100;voltorb Chemical element with atomic number 79;gold Chemical element with atomic number 27;cobalt Chemical element with atomic number (((5461/43)-(55-11))-((26-24)+(31-30)));mercury Pokemon with number #(((28/14)*(20-18))+((34+158)/(11+37)));wartortle Pokemon which evolves into Flareon;eevee First name of the previous President of the United States before Andrew Jackson;john Last name of the next President of the United States after Dwight D. Eisenhower;kennedy Pokemon with number #87;dewgong First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1845;james;john Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1805;jefferson First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1976;gerald Pokemon which evolves from Rattata;raticate First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1984;ronald Color with RGB values #FFFFFF;white Pokemon with number #(((45-15)-2)+((2002/26)-(527/31)));grimer Chemical element with atomic number 59;praseodymium Pokemon with number #60;poliwag Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1865;lincoln;johnson First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1884;chester Chemical element with atomic number (((67*14)/(55-48))-((1426/31)-(240/20)));fermium Pokemon with number #97;hypno Last name of the next President of the United States after William McKinley;roosevelt Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1902;roosevelt Chemical element with atomic number ((7*(4860/9))/((51-49)*(180/10)));dubnium Pokemon with number #48;venonat Pokemon which evolves into Weezing;koffing Pokemon with number #45;vileplume Color with RGB values #008000;green Pokemon with number #(((1552*2)/(69-37))-((5+1)*(1+1)));dodrio Chemical element with the symbol Sr;strontium Chemical element with atomic number 16;sulfur Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1849;taylor;polk Chemical element with the symbol Se;selenium Pokemon with number #44;gloom Pokemon with number #2;ivysaur First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1857;james;franklin Pokemon with number #(((15*1148)/3)/((9*2)+(1081/47)));kabuto Pokemon with number #(((130-34)/(33+15))*3);charizard Chemical element with the symbol Sb;antimony Chemical element with the symbol Mg;magnesium Pokemon which evolves into Slowbro;slowpoke Chemical element with the symbol Sc;scandium First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1936;franklin Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1955;eisenhower Pokemon which evolves into Persian;meowth Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1924;coolidge Pokemon with number #136;flareon Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1901;mckinley;roosevelt Pokemon with number #50;diglett Chemical element with atomic number ((3*(7-1))+((159-3)/(1209/31)));titanium Pokemon with number #28;sandslash First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1812;james Pokemon which evolves from Kakuna;beedrill Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1853;pierce;fillmore Chemical element with atomic number 57;lanthanum Pokemon with number #131;lapras Chemical element with the symbol Ra;radium Pokemon with number #14;kakuna Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1947;truman Pokemon with number #(((54/27)+(28+24))-((968/44)+(2*10)));butterfree First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1972;richard Pokemon with number #106;hitmonlee First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1905;theodore First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1934;franklin Chemical element with atomic number 105;dubnium First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1898;william First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1958;dwight First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1950;harry Pokemon with number #(((2790/45)-(25+5))+((1914*2)/(49-5)));seaking Pokemon with number #70;weepinbell Pokemon which evolves into Magneton;magnemite Last name of the next President of the United States after Herbert Clark Hoover;roosevelt Chemical element with atomic number (((239+39)-(19+13))/(2+(25/25)));lead Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1851;fillmore Pokemon with number #(((2*4)-(4+2))*((47+8)+(1+1)));tangela Chemical element with atomic number (((77-42)/(56/8))*((88-48)-(35+2)));phosphorus Pokemon which evolves from Grimer;muk Chemical element with the symbol Zn;zinc Chemical element with the symbol Os;osmium Pokemon with number #(((4842+1125)/(731/43))/((3*369)/(12+29)));weedle Pokemon with number #53;persian Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 2002;bush First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1814;james Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1980;carter Pokemon which evolves into Venomoth;venonat Pokemon which evolves into Electrode;voltorb Pokemon with number #21;spearow Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1931;hoover Chemical element with atomic number (((304/16)*3)-((450/30)+(7*5)));nitrogen Chemical element with atomic number (149-((4320/9)/(5*2)));mendelevium First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1911;william First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1985;ronald Chemical element with the symbol Al;aluminum Chemical element with atomic number (((10780*7)/(82-33))/((124/2)-(12+6)));bromine Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1969;johnson;nixon Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1935;roosevelt Chemical element with atomic number 76;osmium Color with RGB values [0,0,128];navy Chemical element with atomic number 95;americium Chemical element with atomic number 108;hassium Pokemon with number #(131-((6930/21)/(5*3)));koffing Chemical element with atomic number (((1+3)+(750/50))*((159-39)/(912/38)));americium Chemical element with atomic number 87;francium Chemical element with atomic number (((4335-33)-(1+1))/(23+(61-34)));radon Pokemon with number #51;dugtrio Color with RGB values [128,0,0];maroon First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1964;lyndon Color with RGB values #000000;black Pokemon with number #(((8+21)*(1+1))-((13-12)+23));nidoking Chemical element with atomic number 20;calcium Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1809;madison;jefferson First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1821;james Pokemon with number #(53+((30-28)+(6*2)));machoke First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 2009;barack;george Pokemon with number #149;dragonite First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1996;bill First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1811;james Chemical element with the symbol Pu;plutonium Chemical element with atomic number (((53-35)+(23-8))+((3*81)/(3*9)));molybdenum First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1882;chester Pokemon which evolves from Geodude;graveler Pokemon which evolves from Sandshrew;sandslash Chemical element with atomic number 97;berkelium Chemical element with atomic number (((43-24)*(11-9))-((38/38)+(6+3)));nickel Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1921;wilson;harding First name of the previous President of the United States before Benjamin Harrison;grover First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1820;james Chemical element with atomic number 98;californium First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 2008;george First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1798;john First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1850;millard;zachary Pokemon which evolves into Pidgeot;pidgeotto Chemical element with the symbol Rn;radon Pokemon with number #19;rattata Color with RGB values #C0C0C0;silver First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1999;bill First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1997;bill Chemical element with atomic number (((3102/47)+(3*2))+((1875/5)/(69-44)));francium Pokemon with number #(((156+360)/(2*6))+(17+(11+23)));gengar Chemical element with the symbol I;iodine Pokemon with number #111;rhyhorn Pokemon with number #6;charizard Chemical element with the symbol He;helium Chemical element with atomic number 10;neon First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1944;franklin Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1845;tyler;polk Pokemon with number #(((5+2)+(51-9))-((510/34)+(16-13)));nidoqueen Last name of the next President of the United States after Ulysses S. Grant;hayes Pokemon which evolves from Bellsprout;weepinbell Chemical element with atomic number 26;iron Pokemon which evolves into Beedrill;kakuna Pokemon with number #79;slowpoke First name of the previous President of the United States before Dwight D. Eisenhower;harry Chemical element with the symbol Am;americium Chemical element with atomic number 42;molybdenum Chemical element with the symbol Pm;promethium Pokemon with number #(97-((2*2)+(23-21)));cloyster First name of the previous President of the United States before Martin Van Buren;andrew Pokemon which evolves into Vaporeon;eevee Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1992;bush Chemical element with atomic number 84;polonium First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1827;john Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1906;roosevelt First name of the previous President of the United States before Thomas Jefferson;john Do you like this problem?;yes Pokemon with number #72;tentacool Chemical element with atomic number 50;tin Pokemon with number #(((4+83)-(4*2))+((45-41)+(135/45)));seel Pokemon with number #91;cloyster Pokemon which evolves from Koffing;weezing Last name of the next President of the United States after Gerald Ford;carter Pokemon with number #3;venusaur Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1958;eisenhower Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1982;reagan Chemical element with the symbol Dy;dysprosium Pokemon with number #125;electabuzz Last name of the next President of the United States after John Quincy Adams;jackson Pokemon which evolves from Krabby;kingler Pokemon with number #101;electrode Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1862;lincoln Pokemon with number #(((3672/8)-(1+10))/((1961/37)-(2115/47)));mankey Chemical element with the symbol Xe;xenon Chemical element with the symbol Cf;californium Chemical element with atomic number 68;erbium Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1942;roosevelt Color with RGB values #FFFF00;yellow Chemical element with atomic number (13+((63+13)-(11+6)));hafnium Pokemon which evolves from Ekans;arbok First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1797;john;george Chemical element with atomic number 2;helium Pokemon with number #110;weezing Pokemon which evolves from Dragonair;dragonite Last name of the next President of the United States after Millard Fillmore;pierce First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1849;james;zachary Last name of the next President of the United States after Franklin D. Roosevelt;truman Pokemon with number #(((3480/8)/(13+2))*((31-22)-(2*2)));zapdos Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1930;hoover Pokemon with number #75;graveler First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1825;james;john Pokemon which evolves into Primeape;mankey First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1955;dwight Pokemon with number #(((3*2)/(30-28))*((1531-27)/(80-48)));kabutops Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1847;polk Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1985;reagan Chemical element with atomic number (((1+1)*(1628/44))-((232*4)/(71-39)));rhodium Chemical element with atomic number 2;helium Chemical element with atomic number (((84/6)+(374/34))+((68-42)-(5*2)));niobium Chemical element with the symbol Cs;cesium Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1811;madison Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1991;bush First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1992;george Pokemon with number #63;abra First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1973;richard First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1885;grover;chester Chemical element with atomic number 61;promethium Pokemon with number #33;nidorino Chemical element with atomic number 52;tellurium Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1929;hoover;coolidge Pokemon which evolves from Metapod;butterfree Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1839;buren First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1914;woodrow First name of the previous President of the United States before Rutherford B. Hayes;ulysses Chemical element with atomic number (((68640/44)/(11+28))-((7*2)+7));potassium First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1993;bill;george Pokemon with number #93;haunter Chemical element with atomic number 12;magnesium Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1949;truman Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1812;madison Pokemon with number #114;tangela Pokemon which evolves from Omanyte;omastar First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1807;thomas Last name of the next President of the United States after Franklin Pierce;buchanan Pokemon which evolves from Abra;kadabra Pokemon with number #(((31820/37)/(390/39))-((45-40)*(1+4)));poliwhirl Pokemon with number #(((161-32)*(10+33))/((5*6)+(21-8)));magikarp Chemical element with atomic number 18;argon First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1877;rutherford;ulysses Pokemon with number #140;kabuto Pokemon with number #25;pikachu Pokemon which evolves from Magikarp;gyarados Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1817;madison;monroe Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1793;washington Pokemon with number #31;nidoqueen First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1980;jimmy Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1858;buchanan Pokemon which evolves from Diglett;dugtrio Chemical element with atomic number 49;indium Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1975;ford First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1838;martin First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1792;george First name of the previous President of the United States before James Madison;thomas Color with RGB values #FF00FF;fuchsia;magenta Pokemon with number #(13*((45*4)/(56-26)));rapidash Chemical element with atomic number 88;radium Pokemon with number #98;krabby Pokemon with number #42;golbat Chemical element with atomic number 83;bismuth Pokemon which evolves into Metapod;caterpie Color with RGB values #FF0000;red First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1953;dwight;harry Pokemon with number #(1+((78-49)/(25+4)));ivysaur Color with RGB values [0,255,0];lime;green First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1873;ulysses Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 2000;clinton Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1844;tyler Pokemon with number #(((7+18)-(119/7))*((1+1)*(1+2)));venonat Pokemon with number #142;aerodactyl First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1966;lyndon Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1965;johnson Pokemon with number #(((157*2)-(3+17))/((8+24)+(54-44)));squirtle Chemical element with the symbol Tm;thulium Pokemon which evolves into Rapidash;ponyta Chemical element with atomic number (((93/1)-(4*2))-((4+29)-(520/40)));terbium Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1836;jackson Chemical element with atomic number 56;barium Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1792;washington Chemical element with the symbol At;astatine Chemical element with the symbol Tl;thallium First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1912;william Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1987;reagan Chemical element with atomic number ((29-(41-29))*((47-43)+1));astatine Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1952;truman Pokemon with number #(((3*2)*(8+3))+((29-27)*(231/11)));lickitung First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1954;dwight Pokemon with number #(((128/32)+(2/2))*((288/48)+(19-13)));poliwag Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1905;roosevelt First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1904;theodore Pokemon which evolves into Marowak;cubone Chemical element with atomic number (((34-29)*(190/10))-((790-34)/(40-4)));tungsten Last name of the next President of the United States after Abraham Lincoln;johnson Pokemon with number #92;gastly First name of the previous President of the United States before Franklin Pierce;millard Chemical element with atomic number 5;boron Pokemon which evolves into Arcanine;growlithe Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1979;carter Chemical element with atomic number 82;lead First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 2002;george Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1856;pierce Color with RGB values #008080;teal Pokemon which evolves from Psyduck;golduck Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1904;roosevelt Color with RGB values [0,0,0];black Pokemon with number #81;magnemite First name of the previous President of the United States before Woodrow Wilson;william First name of the previous President of the United States before James Buchanan;franklin Pokemon which evolves from Charmeleon;charizard Pokemon with number #46;paras Pokemon with number #(((2862-6)-(4+5))/(17+(14+8)));tentacruel Chemical element with atomic number 33;arsenic Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1995;clinton First name of the previous President of the United States before George H. W. Bush;ronald Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1927;coolidge First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1795;george Chemical element with atomic number 4;beryllium Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1988;reagan Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1926;coolidge First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1975;gerald Chemical element with atomic number 17;chlorine First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1815;james Pokemon which evolves into Cloyster;shellder First name of the previous President of the United States before Harry S. Truman;franklin Last name of the next President of the United States after Grover Cleveland;harrison;mckinley Pokemon with number #84;doduo Pokemon with number #117;seadra Chemical element with atomic number (((222*2)/(3+3))-((2016/32)-(12+34)));lanthanum Pokemon with number #(((2650/50)+(455/5))-((42+16)-(94-49)));lapras First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1961;john;dwight Pokemon which evolves into Kabutops;kabuto Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1810;madison Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1848;polk Pokemon with number #(((21+74)-(630/15))+((11+39)/(59-34)));golduck Pokemon with number #40;wigglytuff Pokemon with number #(3*((4800/24)/(31+9)));beedrill Pokemon which evolves into Hypno;drowzee First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1990;george Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1861;buchanan;lincoln First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1828;john First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1945;franklin;harry First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1989;ronald;george Pokemon with number #(((58-23)+(2*2))-((3*182)/(20+6)));pidgeot Pokemon which evolves into Sandslash;sandshrew Pokemon which evolves into Jolteon;eevee Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1913;wilson;taft Pokemon with number #37;vulpix Pokemon which evolves from Poliwag;poliwhirl First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1879;rutherford First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1880;rutherford Pokemon with number #(((3+59)+(300/12))+((12628/7)/(49-5)));tauros Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1822;monroe Chemical element with atomic number 85;astatine Chemical element with atomic number (((235710/6)/(1080/40))/((12+45)-(54-12)));berkelium First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1915;woodrow Capital city of Slovakia;bratislava Pokemon which evolves into Dragonair;dratini Chemical element with atomic number 100;fermium Pokemon with number #139;omastar Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1993;bush;clinton Chemical element with the symbol Np;neptunium First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1919;woodrow First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1931;herbert Chemical element with atomic number (((24/12)*(65/5))+((2+2)+(5*5)));cesium Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1841;tyler;harrison;buren Pokemon which evolves from Magnemite;magneton Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1808;jefferson Pokemon which evolves from Paras;parasect Pokemon with number #96;drowzee First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1957;dwight Chemical element with the symbol Ne;neon Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1837;jackson;buren Pokemon which evolves from Gastly;haunter Chemical element with atomic number 106;seaborgium Pokemon with number #(((25+96)+(62-46))-((30-27)*(570/38)));gastly Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1834;jackson Pokemon which evolves from Charmander;charmeleon First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1970;richard Chemical element with atomic number 104;rutherfordium Pokemon which evolves into Seaking;goldeen Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1981;reagan;carter First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1789;george Pokemon with number #36;clefable First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1844;john Last name of the next President of the United States after Theodore Roosevelt;taft First name of the previous President of the United States before John Adams;george Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 2006;bush Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1897;mckinley;cleveland Chemical element with the symbol Cu;copper Chemical element with the symbol Si;silicon Chemical element with atomic number 102;nobelium Chemical element with the symbol Mo;molybdenum First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1941;franklin Pokemon with number #82;magneton Chemical element with atomic number 8;oxygen Pokemon with number #41;zubat Color with RGB values #808080;gray First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1994;bill Pokemon with number #(((89*28)+(107+353))/((4*3)+(52-28)));magneton Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1951;truman Pokemon with number #71;victreebel Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1957;eisenhower First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1948;harry First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1866;andrew Pokemon which evolves from Tentacool;tentacruel Chemical element with atomic number 66;dysprosium Chemical element with atomic number 39;yttrium First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1922;warren Color with RGB values [0,255,255];aqua;cyan First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1987;ronald Chemical element with the symbol W;tungsten First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1853;millard;franklin Chemical element with atomic number 44;ruthenium First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1937;franklin First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1802;thomas Pokemon with number #(((181-43)+(825/25))-((77-44)+(14-10)));vaporeon First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1819;james Pokemon with number #(((1432+3444)/(9+37))-((23370/19)/(690/23)));alakazam Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1990;bush Chemical element with the symbol Ca;calcium First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1851;millard Chemical element with atomic number 62;samarium Last name of the next President of the United States after William Howard Taft;wilson Chemical element with the symbol Gd;gadolinium Pokemon with number #(((21-14)+(2+2))+((1+1)*61));eevee Pokemon with number #(3+((1+1)*67));porygon Pokemon which evolves from Zubat;golbat Chemical element with the symbol Nd;neodymium Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 2013;obama First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 2000;bill First name of the previous President of the United States before John F. Kennedy;dwight First name of the previous President of the United States before Ulysses S. Grant;andrew First name of the previous President of the United States before Gerald Ford;richard Pokemon with number #24;arbok Pokemon with number #102;exeggcute Chemical element with atomic number ((17*(6-2))-((11+63)-(25*2)));ruthenium Chemical element with atomic number 80;mercury Pokemon which evolves into Ivysaur;bulbasaur Chemical element with atomic number (3*2);carbon Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1850;taylor;fillmore First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1960;dwight Pokemon which evolves into Gengar;haunter Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1829;jackson;adams First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1913;william;woodrow Pokemon which evolves into Charizard;charmeleon Chemical element with the symbol Na;sodium Chemical element with atomic number (((52-29)/(32-9))+((51-37)+(2*16)));silver First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1949;harry Last name of the next President of the United States after James Madison;monroe Pokemon with number #(((5851-23)/(68-37))-((30*2)-(43-23)));dragonair Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1950;truman Chemical element with atomic number (((1150+2597)-41)/((272*4)/(42-10)));meitnerium First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1881;james;rutherford;chester Chemical element with atomic number (((40/5)+(1078/22))-5);tellurium Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1863;lincoln Pokemon with number #(((3*210)/(36-30))-((47-34)*(1+2)));machop Chemical element with atomic number (((10*17)+(239+491))/((9-3)*(6-3)));tin Chemical element with atomic number 43;technetium Color with RGB values [255,0,255];fuchsia;magenta Chemical element with atomic number (((4*14)-(80-39))+((91-19)/(1+5)));cobalt First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1830;andrew Chemical element with atomic number 94;plutonium Color with RGB values #00FF00;lime;green Pokemon with number #69;bellsprout First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1991;george Pokemon with number #35;clefairy Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1868;johnson Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1816;madison Last name of the next President of the United States after Ronald Reagan;bush Pokemon which evolves from Shellder;cloyster Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1956;eisenhower Chemical element with atomic number (41-((62-27)-(5*6)));krypton Pokemon with number #128;tauros Chemical element with atomic number 81;thallium First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1951;harry First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1875;ulysses Chemical element with atomic number 73;tantalum Pokemon which evolves into Seadra;horsea Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1831;jackson Chemical element with atomic number (((69-46)*(13-11))+((17*45)/(23+22)));europium Chemical element with the symbol F;fluorine Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1953;truman;eisenhower Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1830;jackson Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1945;truman;roosevelt Chemical element with the symbol Br;bromine Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1873;grant Pokemon which evolves from Machop;machoke Pokemon with number #15;beedrill Last name of the next President of the United States after Thomas Jefferson;madison Pokemon with number #(((444-26)/(13-2))+((204/34)+(288/9)));golem First name of the previous President of the United States before Lyndon B. Johnson;john Chemical element with the symbol Lr;lawrencium Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1922;harding First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1929;calvin;herbert First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1869;andrew;ulysses Last name of the next President of the United States after James Buchanan;lincoln First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1874;ulysses Chemical element with atomic number (((2/1)*(9*11))/((6*6)/(2*6)));dysprosium First name of the previous President of the United States before Herbert Clark Hoover;calvin First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1893;benjamin;grover Pokemon with number #(((33+903)/(35+4))+((1241/17)-(86-48)));arcanine Last name of the next President of the United States after James A. Garfield;arthur Chemical element with atomic number (((1008/21)*(2+1))-((2*391)/(18-1)));californium First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1988;ronald Chemical element with the symbol Fr;francium First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1883;chester Pokemon with number #58;growlithe First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1843;john Pokemon with number #39;jigglypuff First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1925;calvin Chemical element with atomic number (((41475+13309)/(44-28))/((40-32)*(43-39)));bohrium Chemical element with atomic number (((12+29)-(5*5))*((5/5)+1));germanium Pokemon which evolves from Ponyta;rapidash Chemical element with atomic number 24;chromium Chemical element with the symbol Ir;iridium Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1869;johnson;grant Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 2003;bush Pokemon with number #18;pidgeot First name of the previous President of the United States before Franklin D. Roosevelt;herbert Chemical element with atomic number 6;carbon Pokemon with number #138;omanyte First name of the previous President of the United States before James K. Polk;john Chemical element with atomic number (((44-43)+(25/25))*((30/6)+(67-27)));thorium Pokemon with number #22;fearow Pokemon which evolves from Bulbasaur;ivysaur Pokemon with number #(((40/20)*(58-50))+((80-26)/(19-10)));fearow First name of the previous President of the United States before Millard Fillmore;zachary Pokemon with number #(((11*3)/(10+1))*((56-20)-(1+2)));kingler First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1862;abraham Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1790;washington First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1895;grover Pokemon with number #(((2512-28)/(322/14))/((1+1)+(1+1)));sandshrew Pokemon which evolves into Machamp;machoke Chemical element with atomic number 11;sodium Chemical element with atomic number 78;platinum Pokemon which evolves into Golem;graveler First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1801;thomas;john Chemical element with atomic number (((66700/29)/(5*5))/1);uranium First name of the previous President of the United States before Warren G. Harding;woodrow Pokemon with number #(((21+93)-(30+9))+((1263-42)/(957/29)));rhydon Chemical element with atomic number 93;neptunium Pokemon which evolves from Venonat;venomoth Chemical element with the symbol Db;dubnium Pokemon which evolves from Vulpix;ninetales First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1952;harry Chemical element with the symbol Md;mendelevium First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1831;andrew First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1860;james Chemical element with the symbol Ce;cerium Chemical element with atomic number 19;potassium Pokemon which evolves into Ninetales;vulpix Pokemon with number #(((95+19)-(4*2))+((3+12)+(396/36)));ditto First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1986;ronald Chemical element with atomic number 30;zinc First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1847;james First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1932;herbert Chemical element with atomic number (((2*15)-(61-32))+((12*3)/(468/26)));lithium First name of the previous President of the United States before James Monroe;james Chemical element with atomic number (((423/9)+(13+4))-((39-32)+(42-41)));barium Chemical element with the symbol Rh;rhodium Color with RGB values #0000FF;blue Pokemon with number #11;metapod Pokemon with number #30;nidorina Pokemon which evolves into Blastoise;wartortle Pokemon which evolves from Pikachu;raichu Pokemon with number #(((17*56)+1613)/((872-36)/(82-38)));jolteon Chemical element with atomic number 67;holmium First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1876;ulysses Pokemon which evolves from Oddish;gloom Last name of the next President of the United States after John Adams;jefferson First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1892;benjamin Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1886;cleveland Pokemon with number #(((310-20)/(754/26))+(43+(66/6)));kadabra Pokemon with number #(((14*2)+(10892/14))/((38-36)+(23-12)));poliwrath Pokemon which evolves into Gloom;oddish Chemical element with the symbol Hf;hafnium Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1963;johnson;kennedy Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1860;buchanan Chemical element with atomic number 77;iridium Pokemon with number #(43+11);psyduck First name of the previous President of the United States before Grover Cleveland;chester;benjamin Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1794;washington Pokemon with number #(((74664/17)/(2*18))-((84-35)-(3*15)));goldeen First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1907;theodore Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1874;grant Color with RGB values [255,255,255];white Pokemon with number #(((13*10)-(14+14))+((26+46)-(360/12)));articuno Chemical element with atomic number 60;neodymium Chemical element with atomic number (((28+975)-(546/42))/(43-(470/47)));zinc First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1959;dwight Chemical element with the symbol Es;einsteinium Color with RGB values #00FFFF;aqua;cyan Pokemon which evolves from Clefairy;clefable Last name of the next President of the United States after George W. Bush;obama Chemical element with atomic number 53;iodine Pokemon with number #147;dratini Chemical element with atomic number 54;xenon Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1934;roosevelt Pokemon with number #27;sandshrew Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1914;wilson Pokemon with number #94;gengar Chemical element with the symbol In;indium First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 2012;barack Pokemon with number #85;dodrio Chemical element with atomic number 13;aluminum Pokemon with number #78;rapidash Pokemon with number #(((2*11)*(672/32))/((96-50)-(5*8)));ponyta First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1926;calvin Chemical element with atomic number 40;zirconium Chemical element with the symbol Y;yttrium Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1884;arthur First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1800;john Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1961;eisenhower;kennedy Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1892;harrison First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1903;theodore Chemical element with the symbol Au;gold Chemical element with atomic number 13;aluminum Pokemon with number #103;exeggutor Chemical element with atomic number 31;gallium Pokemon with number #(((2054/26)*(26-24))-((17-15)*(1+7)));aerodactyl Pokemon with number #43;oddish Chemical element with atomic number (((220/44)*(12+5))-((12*7)-(1443/37)));zirconium Chemical element with atomic number (((204*2)/(2*12))*((36-33)+(45/45)));erbium First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1833;andrew First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1927;calvin First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1938;franklin First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1917;woodrow First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1896;grover Chemical element with the symbol Fe;iron First name of the previous President of the United States before Jimmy Carter;gerald Pokemon with number #150;mewtwo First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1865;abraham;andrew Pokemon with number #(((3445-6)+(30043/13))/(2*(46-23)));electabuzz Last name of the next President of the United States after Richard Nixon;ford Chemical element with atomic number (((9+8)*(3+3))-((392-2)/(5*6)));actinium Pokemon with number #55;golduck First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1804;thomas Pokemon with number #67;machoke Pokemon with number #(((61725-15)/17)/(3*(308/28)));weezing Chemical element with atomic number 74;tungsten Pokemon with number #95;onix Pokemon with number #73;tentacruel Chemical element with the symbol Er;erbium Color with RGB values [0,0,255];blue Pokemon which evolves from Nidorino;nidoking First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1968;lyndon Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1984;reagan Pokemon which evolves from Ivysaur;venusaur Pokemon with number #(((73-26)-(13+25))+((3+2)+(7*2)));sandslash Pokemon with number #62;poliwrath Last name of the next President of the United States after Martin Van Buren;harrison Chemical element with atomic number 96;curium First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1796;george Chemical element with atomic number 58;cerium Chemical element with atomic number (5*((37/37)+3));calcium Pokemon with number #34;nidoking First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1854;franklin Pokemon with number #88;grimer Last name of the next President of the United States after Woodrow Wilson;harding Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1948;truman Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1835;jackson Pokemon with number #121;starmie Chemical element with the symbol Sg;seaborgium Pokemon with number #77;ponyta First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1836;andrew Chemical element with the symbol Eu;europium Pokemon which evolves from Weedle;kakuna Chemical element with the symbol Cr;chromium Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1840;buren Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1977;carter;ford Last name of the next President of the United States after Rutherford B. Hayes;garfield Pokemon which evolves from Meowth;persian Last name of the next President of the United States after John Tyler;polk Last name of the next President of the United States after George H. W. Bush;clinton Pokemon with number #(((217/31)+(9*3))+(7*11));rhyhorn Color with RGB values #800080;purple Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1800;adams Chemical element with atomic number 101;mendelevium Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1789;washington Chemical element with atomic number (((138+65)/29)+(73-(33-30)));iridium Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1915;wilson Pokemon with number #(((1188-48)/(2*10))-((1389+292)/(1353/33)));pidgey Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1813;madison First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1826;john Pokemon with number #109;koffing Pokemon with number #((2*3)*((7380/30)/(1435/35)));clefable Pokemon with number #(((24480/32)/(2160/48))+((42-38)*7));vileplume Chemical element with the symbol U;uranium Pokemon with number #119;seaking Pokemon with number #(((43512/42)-(4+24))/((4+48)-(2*2)));spearow Pokemon with number #134;vaporeon First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1791;george Chemical element with atomic number (((1080/30)-(66/22))-23);neon Chemical element with the symbol H;hydrogen Pokemon with number #(((856*3)/(15+9))/1);hitmonchan Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1838;buren Pokemon which evolves from Squirtle;wartortle Chemical element with the symbol Rf;rutherfordium Pokemon with number #(((153-33)+31)-((2592/48)-(580/29)));seadra Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1871;grant Pokemon with number #(((1+360)+(198-6))/(19-(3*4)));slowpoke Chemical element with atomic number 34;selenium First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1840;martin Pokemon with number #(((1092+917)-(38+11))/((299+221)/(2*13)));krabby First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1799;john Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1857;pierce;buchanan Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1908;roosevelt Chemical element with the symbol S;sulfur Pokemon with number #56;mankey Chemical element with atomic number (((30504-6)/13)/((645-47)/(884/34)));nobelium Pokemon with number #(((160-29)-(69-21))-((760-10)/(25*2)));machamp Last name of the next President of the United States after Grover Cleveland;harrison;mckinley Chemical element with atomic number 22;titanium First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1899;william Chemical element with the symbol Pt;platinum Chemical element with atomic number (((20+14)+(1683/33))-((806/31)+(8+2)));indium Pokemon with number #120;staryu Chemical element with the symbol Zr;zirconium Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1833;jackson Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1807;jefferson Pokemon which evolves from Drowzee;hypno Chemical element with atomic number 103;lawrencium Pokemon with number #133;eevee Pokemon which evolves from Horsea;seadra Chemical element with atomic number (((30002-2)/(48+2))/((6+3)+1));neodymium First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1894;grover Chemical element with the symbol Ag;silver First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1900;william First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1823;james Pokemon with number #(((361-18)/(44-37))-((7*6)/(3+11)));paras Chemical element with the symbol K;potassium Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1854;pierce Chemical element with the symbol Cm;curium Pokemon with number #(((7+4)+(2520/40))+((13+7)-(7*2)));slowbro Pokemon with number #65;alakazam Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1899;mckinley Pokemon with number #(((1150/10)-(43-18))/((210/15)/(10+4)));shellder Pokemon with number #74;geodude First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1978;jimmy Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 2011;obama Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1815;madison Pokemon with number #(((73-50)*(148/37))+(13-(2+8)));onix Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1821;monroe Chemical element with atomic number (((4*42)/(3/1))+((803-5)/(15+6)));plutonium Chemical element with atomic number ((3*(390*4))/((122-49)-(2*14)));rutherfordium Pokemon with number #((5*(16+3))-((98-37)-(7+22)));abra Pokemon which evolves from Gloom;vileplume Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 2005;bush Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1881;garfield;arthur;hayes Last name of the next President of the United States after Zachary Taylor;fillmore Pokemon with number #47;parasect First name of the previous President of the United States before William Henry Harrison;martin Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1970;nixon Chemical element with atomic number 25;manganese First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1906;theodore First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1887;grover Pokemon with number #66;machop Pokemon with number #7;squirtle Chemical element with atomic number (3*((22-12)-(3+1)));argon Pokemon which evolves into Poliwhirl;poliwag Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1944;roosevelt First name of the previous President of the United States before John Quincy Adams;james Pokemon with number #(2+((896/32)-(20/5)));raichu Chemical element with atomic number (1+((8-2)+(46-32)));scandium Chemical element with the symbol No;nobelium Pokemon with number #1;bulbasaur Pokemon with number #(((197-16)-(54/6))-((4284/34)/(1+2)));gyarados Pokemon which evolves into Dragonite;dragonair Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1791;washington Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1972;nixon Pokemon with number #(((138+4130)/(4*11))-((798/42)+(1421/49)));venomoth Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1890;harrison Chemical element with atomic number (((28*4)+(24-14))-((3*205)/(345/23)));thallium First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1855;franklin Chemical element with the symbol C;carbon Pokemon with number #144;articuno Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1976;ford Pokemon with number #107;hitmonchan First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 2004;george Chemical element with the symbol Sm;samarium Chemical element with atomic number (((11088/22)/(72/4))+((78-13)-(8+37)));cadmium Pokemon with number #99;kingler Color with RGB values [255,0,0];red Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1799;adams Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1909;taft;roosevelt First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1891;benjamin Pokemon with number #(((30-27)*(65-48))-31);raticate Pokemon with number #(((50-3)*(1+1))-((26+71)-47));gloom Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1843;tyler Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1852;fillmore Chemical element with the symbol Li;lithium Pokemon with number #9;blastoise Pokemon with number #141;kabutops Chemical element with atomic number (((26+18)+(22+51))/3);yttrium Chemical element with atomic number 71;lutetium Chemical element with the symbol Ac;actinium Pokemon with number #135;jolteon First name of the previous President of the United States before Andrew Johnson;abraham Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1842;tyler First name of the previous President of the United States before John Tyler;william Pokemon with number #(((40/10)+7)-((1+1)*(2*2)));venusaur Pokemon with number #(((13*2)+(62-43))+((2129+2863)/(48/1)));dragonite Chemical element with the symbol Rb;rubidium Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1964;johnson Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1876;grant First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1816;james Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1937;roosevelt Chemical element with atomic number ((3*(499-24))/((444-45)/(46-25)));rhenium Pokemon which evolves into Tentacruel;tentacool First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1871;ulysses Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1966;johnson Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1920;wilson Color with RGB values [0,128,128];teal Pokemon which evolves into Rhydon;rhyhorn Chemical element with atomic number (((7+16)-(15+6))+((72/18)*(51-45)));iron Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1796;washington Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1889;harrison;cleveland Chemical element with atomic number (((146-34)-(6*8))+((73+15)-(7*7)));lawrencium Pokemon with number #(((178-33)-(48/3))-((92/23)*(2+2)));chansey Pokemon with number #(((72/36)+(777/37))*(3+(49-47)));kangaskhan Chemical element with atomic number 51;antimony Chemical element with atomic number 63;europium Pokemon with number #129;magikarp Chemical element with atomic number (((281*3)-(59-19))/11);tantalum Pokemon with number #(((68-12)/(14+14))*((12+13)+(55-27)));hitmonlee Pokemon with number #49;venomoth Last name of the next President of the United States after Warren G. Harding;coolidge Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1887;cleveland Pokemon with number #108;lickitung Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1888;cleveland Pokemon with number #(((6-3)*3)-((1+3)+(46-42)));bulbasaur Chemical element with the symbol Bh;bohrium Pokemon with number #(((372+1080)/(58-46))+((165+45)/(2*21)));magmar Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1885;arthur;cleveland Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1932;hoover First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1998;bill First name of the previous President of the United States before Grover Cleveland;chester;benjamin First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1965;lyndon Chemical element with the symbol Th;thorium Pokemon with number #113;chansey Pokemon with number #(((147-19)-(65-22))+(1+(29-13)));exeggcute Pokemon with number #8;wartortle First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1858;james Pokemon which evolves from Pidgeotto;pidgeot Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1827;adams Chemical element with atomic number 86;radon Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1959;eisenhower Color with RGB values [128,0,128];purple Chemical element with atomic number (((88-45)/(688/16))+((26/13)*(41-36)));sodium Chemical element with the symbol Pa;protactinium Chemical element with atomic number (((28*17)/(23+5))+((870/29)-(63/7)));strontium First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1908;theodore Pokemon which evolves into Alakazam;kadabra Pokemon with number #(5*((190-50)/(14+6)));clefairy Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1994;clinton Pokemon which evolves into Kadabra;abra Pokemon with number #127;pinsir Pokemon with number #(((54+8)*(1+1))-((1140/38)+(55-45)));doduo Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1823;monroe Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 2009;bush;obama Pokemon with number #(((74-49)+(868/28))-((40-18)+1));nidorino First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1808;thomas Chemical element with atomic number (3+((1100/22)/(15+35)));beryllium Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1803;jefferson Pokemon with number #(((2700/50)-(19-7))+((6-5)+(1+3)));parasect Chemical element with the symbol Ar;argon Chemical element with the symbol Ga;gallium First name of the previous President of the United States before William McKinley;grover Chemical element with atomic number (((1300/13)/(9+16))+((36-29)+1));magnesium First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1902;theodore Pokemon with number #61;poliwhirl First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1963;john;lyndon Last name of the next President of the United States after Lyndon B. Johnson;nixon Pokemon with number #(((741+2859)/(2+46))+((3*164)/(31+10)));dewgong Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1903;roosevelt Last name of the next President of the United States after James K. Polk;taylor Chemical element with atomic number 29;copper First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1813;james Chemical element with atomic number 21;scandium Pokemon with number #57;primeape Pokemon with number #10;caterpie Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1820;monroe First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1933;franklin;herbert First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1864;abraham Pokemon with number #89;muk First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1793;george Last name of the next President of the United States after John F. Kennedy;johnson Chemical element with atomic number 37;rubidium First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1829;john;andrew Pokemon with number #123;scyther First name of the previous President of the United States before Ronald Reagan;jimmy Chemical element with the symbol Ti;titanium Chemical element with atomic number (((1122/34)-(3*3))*((4*46)/(1840/40)));curium Pokemon with number #112;rhydon Last name of the next President of the United States after William Henry Harrison;tyler Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1907;roosevelt First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1901;william;theodore First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1935;franklin Chemical element with atomic number (43-((320/40)+(17-15)));arsenic Pokemon with number #80;slowbro Color with RGB values #000080;navy First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1939;franklin Pokemon which evolves into Dodrio;doduo Pokemon with number #130;gyarados Pokemon which evolves into Gyarados;magikarp Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1859;buchanan Chemical element with atomic number (((2540-45)-(11+6))/((12+2)*(42-39)));praseodymium Pokemon which evolves from Exeggcute;exeggutor Chemical element with atomic number 35;bromine Chemical element with atomic number 1;hydrogen Color with RGB values #800000;maroon Chemical element with atomic number (((1743/7)-(11+31))/((27/27)+(7-5)));thulium Pokemon with number #(((7+100)-(63-34))-(2*(43-24)));wigglytuff Chemical element with the symbol N;nitrogen Pokemon with number #(((220/4)*(40-37))-((45-3)+(36-29)));horsea First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1872;ulysses Chemical element with atomic number 45;rhodium Chemical element with the symbol V;vanadium Chemical element with the symbol Cd;cadmium First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1942;franklin Pokemon which evolves into Victreebel;weepinbell First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 2013;barack Pokemon with number #(((708+696)/(74-48))+((629/37)+(30/10)));geodude Pokemon with number #116;horsea Chemical element with atomic number 53;iodine Pokemon with number #(((90-16)-(8/1))-((894+72)/(3*14)));oddish Pokemon which evolves into Venusaur;ivysaur Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1826;adams Last name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1974;ford;nixon First name of the President of the United States who held the office in 1863;abraham Chemical element with atomic number ((7-3)*((164+577)/(32+7)));osmium Pokemon which evolves from Goldeen;seaking Pokemon with number #52;meowth Pokemon with number #(((1691+855)/(57-19))-((6+13)-(57-48)));primeape Chemical element with atomic number (((3*31)-1)-((20-16)*(56-49)));gadolinium