Internet Problem Solving Contest

IPSC 2011

Problem I – Inverting bits

The wannabe scientist Kleofáš has recently developed a new processor. The processor has got 26 registers, labeled A to Z. Each register is an 8-bit unsigned integer variable.

This new processor is incredibly simple. It only supports the instructions specified in the table below. (In all instructions, R is a name of a register, C is a constant, and X is either the name of a register or a constant. All constants are 8-bit unsigned integers, i.e., numbers from 0 to 255.)


and R XCompute the bitwise and of the values R and X, and store it in R.
or R XCompute the bitwise or of the values R and X, and store it in R.
not RCompute the bitwise not of the value R, and store it in R.
shl R CTake the value in R, shift it to the left by C bits, and store the result in R.
shr R CTake the value in R, shift it to the right by C bits, and store the result in R.
mov R XStore the value X into R.
get RRead an 8-bit unsigned integer and store it in R.
put ROutput the content of the register R as an 8-bit unsigned integer.


Example task

Assume that the input contains an arbitrary two 8-bit unsigned integers a and b. Write a program that will read these numbers and produce an integer z such that z = 0 if and only if a = b. (That is, if a and b differ, z must be positive.)

Solution of the example task

get A
get B

mov C A
not C
and C B

mov D B
not D
and D A

mov Z C
or Z D

put Z

Explanation: There are many possible solutions. In our solution, we read the input to registers A and B, compute their bitwise xor in register Z and output it.

However, we do not have an instruction for xor. We have to assemble it from ands, ors, and nots. First, we create (not-A and B) in C and (not-B and A) in D. Finally, we store (C or D) in Z and we are done.

Why does it work? If the two numbers are identical, then C and D will both be zero, and so will Z. If the two numbers are not identical, consider a digit d where the two numbers differ in their binary representations. If this digit is 0 in A, it has to be 1 in B. But then it is 1 in C and therefore it is 1 in Z. And if the digit is 1 in A, it has to be 0 in B, 1 in D, and 1 in Z.

Input specification

This problem has no input.

Problem specification

For each data set, you have to write a program for Kleofáš’s processor that solves the following task: The input for your program is a sequence of integers, each of them a 0 or a 1. The output of your program must be a sequence of their negations, in order. (That is, change each 0 into a 1 and vice versa.)

Easy subproblem: The sequence contains exactly 7 integers. In your program, you may only use the instruction not at most once. Your program must have at most 100 instructions.

(Note that you have to use each of the instructions get and put exactly 7 times.)

Hard subproblem: The sequence contains exactly 19 integers. In your program, you may only use the instruction not at most twice. Your program can have at most 300 instructions.

Output specification

Send us your program as a plain ASCII text. Each line of the text may either contain one complete instruction, or just whitespace. If you submit anything that is not a proper program, it will be judged “Wrong answer” and you will get an appropriate error message.